Charlotte County Water Treatment Plan for Cape Haze

Recently, it was brought to our attention that Charlotte County has refocused their efforts to install a comprehensive water treatment plan for Cape Haze (see below) as part of the Sewer Master Plan ( . Below is one design proposal that has been submitted, which will give you a good idea of the scope of the work they are looking to do. This could be very disruptive to our community lifestyle for a long time. We are not sure of the timing of this project, but sense the county would like to move forward sooner than later. CHPOA has attended a recent commission meeting to get more information, in addition to scheduling one-on-one meetings with county leadership. We have requested a seat at the table during this process. We will update this story as the things progresses.

CHPOA Board of Directors

Must watch – Commissioner discussion on budgets for water treatment plants and septic to sewer conversions. ** BIG IMPACT ON YOU !! **
Utility Meeting – October 2023

3 thoughts on “Charlotte County Water Treatment Plan for Cape Haze”

  1. French Dennis

    This seems a solution to a problem that simply does not exist. There have been studies done demonstrating that Cape Haze Island does not at all contribute to any ground or water pollution.
    Digging up our streets and lawns or boring under them is just not warranted in pursuit of fixing something that is not broken.
    The cost of this project is likely to be borne directly by home owners which may cause great financial harm to many for no return on their investment.
    I understand that big projects like this keep companies busy and are fun for the design teams and engineers. This being said, there must be other places where a project like this is truly important – put your collected efforts into solving an actual problem and leave our island problem free the way it is today.
    The residents of Cape Haze have been devastated enough by hurricane Ian and do not need any further disruption to their lives for a project with many down sides and no upsides for residents of the community.

  2. This is an outline of the process we should expect as provided by a Charlotte County representative (Caroline Wannall, Public Relations Manager):

    Below is a brief overview of the process for creating and approving the Sewer Expansion MSBU projects:

    -The board provides direction to start the design and planning process of the project area.

    -Approval of Design Engineer to provide Preliminary Engineering Report Recommendations. We ensure to gather input from the residents during the creation of this report.

    -Initial Assessment Resolution will be presented to the board for approval at a scheduled board meeting. At that time, the public hearing will be set.

    -Notices will then be sent to property owners of the public hearing date and assessment amount for their property.

    -A public hearing is held, and the Final Assessment Resolution is presented to the board for approval. Once the Final Assessment Resolution is approved, the MSBU project area is then created.

    Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the process, and I will be in contact shortly with the cost information.

    Caroline Wannall
    Public Relations Manager
    Charlotte County Utilities

    Delivering Exceptional Service

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